Global R-Keeper:

Script in R-Keeper 7


Standard functions 2
Working with numbers 2
Working with strings 2
Working with arrays 3
Working with “variant” type 3
RK7 data types 3
Simple data types 3
RK7 classes 4
RK7 constants 10
RK7 functions 11
Interaction with system parameters 11
Interaction with interfaces 11
Form events handlers 11
Other functions 12
Interaction with object RK7Interface 12
Interaction with system parameters 12
Interaction with own parameters 12
Interaction with objects’ properties 12
Interaction with references/manuals 13
Interaction with object CheckItem (element of a check) 13
RK7 operations processing 14
Common calling syntax 14
Brief list of main operations 14
Making FarCards transaction (PDS) 14

Standard functions

Working with numbers

function Abs(e : Extended) : Extended;
Returns absolute meaning of argument e (e by modulus)
Working with strings

function StrGet(var S : String; I : Integer) : Char;
Returns element of string S with index I.

procedure StrSet(c : Char; I : Integer; var s : String);
Sets element of string S with index I in meaning c.

function Uppercase(s : string) : string;
Returns string s in upper case.
function Lowercase(s : string) : string;
Returns string s in lower case.
function Trim(s : string) : string;
Returns changed string s: all beginning and ending “spaces” and control symbols are deleted.
function Length(s : String) : Longint;
Returns length of string s.

procedure SetLength(var S: String; L: Longint);
Sets length of string S in L.

function inttostr(i: Longint): string;
Returns string, that contains transformed integer value i.

function strtoint(s: string): Longint;
Returns integer value, taken from string s.

function strtointdef(s: string; def: Longint): Longint;
Returns string s, transformed to integer value. If this string is not allowed integer, then value by default def is returned.

function copy(s: string; ifrom, icount: Longint): string;
Returns string that is sub-string of string S, starting from S[ifrom] and containing icount number of symbols.

function pos(substr, s: string): Longint;
Returns position (index) of first meeting subsrt in S. If S doesn’t contain Substr, 0 is returned.
procedure delete(var s: string; ifrom, icount: Longint);
Deletes from string S icount number of symbols from position ifrom.

procedure insert(s: string; var s2: string; ipos: Longint);
Inserts string s into s2, from position ipos.

function StrToFloat(s: string): Extended;
Function returns real number (with floating point), transformed from s.

function FloatToStr(e : Extended) : String;
Returns string, this string is transformed value of e.

function Padl(s : string; I : longInt) : string;
Returns string s, added with “spaces” to the length of I on the left part.
function Padr(s : string; I : longInt) : string;
Returns string s, added with “spaces” to the length of I on the right part.
function Padz(s : string; I : longInt) : string;
Returns string s, added with symbols ‘0’ to the length of I on the left part.
function Replicate(c : char; I : longInt) : string;
function StringOfChar(c : char; I : longInt) : string;
Returns string, that consists of I symbols ‘C’.
function FormatFloat(const Mask: string; d : Extended) : String;
Returns string, that consists of value d transformed with the help of mask Mask.
